Environmental Targets

Carbon Emissions/ Energy Consumption

Sino-Ocean Group commits to achieve "carbon neutrality" by 2050; By 2025, we aim to reduce the Scope 1&2 emission per unit of revenue and the energy consumption per unit of revenue by 19% for residential development and property development and operation business, as well as other businesses. (2020 as base year)

The carbon emissions in the above target and the published "Sino-Ocean Group Sustainable Development Report" refer to greenhouse gas emissions, including seven categories, i.e. CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, NF3 and SF6.

Sino-Ocean Healthy Building System

By 2025, at least 85% of new projects will implement the Sino-Ocean Healthy Building System.

Green Building

From 2021, all new projects of the Group have meet the requirement of National Green Building Standard and pursue higher level of certifications (such as: 2 Star and 3 Star of National Green Building, US LEED Certification, WELL Certification etc.); By 2025, 100% of the self-held projects will achieve high-star level of National Green Building Standard.


- Actively addressing climate change, Sino-Ocean Group is the first real estate enterprise in the Mainland China to become a supporter of TCFD (Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures).
- All projects are constructed strictly in accordance with the standards of saving energy by 65%, ensuring 30% green space, systematically applying green and environment-friendly architectural technologies.
- By the end of 2023, Sino-Ocean Group had registered 191 green building projects; 14 projects have officially obtained the final WELL certification; Sino-Ocean Group is the enterprise with the largest number of WELL certification projects and the largest certified area in China.
- The number of green buildings accounts for about 70% of total number of projects, with a total registered area of more than 35 million square meters.
- As of December 2023, Sino-Ocean Group has issued green notes amounted to a total of USD1.12 billion.
- The Group focuses on biodiversity, and the Sanya Damao Ocean Ecological Village project is internationally recognized for the promotion of nature education and environmental conservation, and awarded the title of the First Education Base for Sustainable Development by UNESCO ICUA.

Green Healthy Partnership

The “Building · Health 2030” Alliance focus on and pays great attention to the sustainable development, and is committed to taking actions in response to global climate change, and making unremitting efforts to contribute to the realization of “Healthy China 2030” , and building green sustainable and healthy communities. At the same time, multiple parties work together to establish partners collaboration platform to build cross-industry and cross-regional sharing and cooperating ecology, increase multi-industry communication, seek the possibility of cross-border collaboration.

Jointly Initiated by
Supporting Units
Professional Support
Chief Participating Institutions and Enterprises
Main Working Area

Healthy and Environmental Reconstruction of Old Community, Healthy Building Standard Research and Pilot, Other Fields Related to Sustainable Cities and Communities