Sustainable Development Policies
The Sino-Ocean Group has set sustainable development policies and is committed to working with all internal and external stakeholders to promote sustainable development; at the same time, it provides guidance for the implementation of sustainable development, implements a responsibility system for sustainable development and strictly regulates and effectively manages all aspects of sustainable development. In addition, in the areas of labor management, health and safety, product quality, etc., the Group's relevant functions have developed detailed policies, systems and management measures on sustainable development issues, linked to personnel pay and performance, and continuously improve sustainable development through effective management.
Report Disclosure
Sino-Ocean Group has released sustainable development reports for many years, disclosing environmental, social and governance efforts and performance.
Welcome to provide valuable comments on the report or the Group's sustainability performance or contact us at to learn more.
Green Finance
To further practice the green concept and implement with the 'Building • Health' concept, Sino-Ocean Group established the green finance framework in February 2021, and received Second-Party Opinion from Sustainalytics, an independent third-party rating agency. Sino-Ocean Group continues to support green and healthy buildings and climate change through green finance.